


Step-by-step guide to benchmarking Aeron in your AWS environment

  • Detailed latency and throughput test results and analysis
  • Technical instructions and configurations on how to set up and run performance tests with Aeron on AWS
  • Why you should test Aeron performance
  • Further testing resources
Aeron Performance Guide in AWS environment

Further reading

Aeron Performance on AWS

To support our clients’ speed and performance requirements, we tested our messaging & clustering technology Aeron on Amazon instances to prove the speed and resilience that can be achieved for low-latency, high-throughput trading systems in the cloud.

We ran performance tests for both, open-source Aeron as well as Aeron Premium. They differ in how they access the network card; Open-source Aeron uses BSD sockets, Aeron Premium uses DPDK.

Here is what we tested:

  • Aeron at its lowest level, using Aeron Transport to push network throughput and latencies to their extreme
  • Aeron Transport Security (ATS), an Aeron Premium component that uses industry-standard cryptography primitives
  • Aeron Cluster, to show the throughput and latency that a highly available system could achieve



