Community MeetUps


Watch the highlights of the Spring Roadshow - 2024

Watch the highlights of the Spring Roadshow - 2024

The Aeron Meetups are informal gatherings ‘from Developers for Developers’ which we organize twice a year to bring the community together. We share Aeron news, showcase the latest Aeron features, explain our development roadmap, and exchange knowledge on how to engineer low-latency, high-performance architectures in capital markets.

Guest speakers from the community join us for real-life case studies and to share their experiences implementing Aeron.

Aeron Developers & Speakers

Martin Thompson

Co-Creator of Aeron

Adaptive | Aeron

Dave Clack

Chief Product Officer

Adaptive | Aeron

James Watson

Head of Platform Engineering

Adaptive | Aeron

Dmytro Vyazelenko

Performance Engineer

Adaptive | Aeron

Nate Bradac

Performance Engineer

Adaptive | Aeron

What's New & What's Next

Aeron has been at the forefront of low latency messaging systems, and we unveiled some of Aeron's latest updates at the Community MeetUps in May 2024.

Over the past six months, Aeron has delivered two notable releases, 1.43.0 and 1.44.0, aimed at improving performance, configurability, and ease of use.



Aeron Developers & Speakers

Martin Thompson

Co-Creator of Aeron

Adaptive | Aeron

Dave Clack

Chief Product Officer

Adaptive | Aeron

James Watson

Head of Platform Engineering

Adaptive | Aeron

Dmytro Vyazelenko

Performance Engineer

Adaptive | Aeron

What's New & What's Next

Aeron has been at the forefront of low latency messaging systems, and we unveiled some of Aeron's latest updates at the Community MeetUps in May 2024. Over the past six months, Aeron has delivered two notable releases, 1.43.0 and 1.44.0, aimed at improving performance, configurability, and ease of use.

Tech Deep Dive: Handling Data Loss

Tech Deep Dive - Handling Data Loss

Tech Deep Dive: Handling Data Loss

Watch Martin Thompson, Co-creator of Aeron, and Nate Bradac, Aeron Performance Engineer, dive deep into the technical intricacies of "Handling Data Loss" with Aeron during our latest Community MeetUps in London and New York, during the Spring Roadshow 2024.


Tech Deep Dive: Handling Data Loss

Tech Deep Dive - Handling Data Loss

Tech Deep Dive: Handling Data Loss

Watch Martin Thompson, Co-creator of Aeron, and Nate Bradac, Aeron Performance Engineer, dive deep into the technical intricacies of "Handling Data Loss" with Aeron during our latest Community MeetUps in London and New York, during the Spring Roadshow 2024.


Meet our Guest Speakers


SIX Interbank Clearing

Talos Journey with Aeron thumbnail

Talos - Using Aeron & SBE for an institutional crypto trading technology platform.

Aeron MeetUp - Brevan Howards Journey with Aeron

Brevan Howard - Leveraging Aeron Cluster and Artio for a resilient execution system.

Aeron MeetUp - Man Groups Journey with Aeron

Man Group - Leveraging Aeron to improve the latency of its FX execution system.

Aeron MeetUp  - SIX Interbank Clearings Journey with Aeron

SIX Interbank Clearing - Powering Swiss Instant Payment with Aeron Cluster.


Meet our Guest Speakers

Talos Journey with Aeron thumbnail

Talos - Using Aeron & SBE for an institutional crypto trading technology platform.

Aeron MeetUp - Brevan Howards Journey with Aeron

Brevan Howard - Leveraging Aeron Cluster and Artio for a resilient execution system.

Aeron MeetUp - Man Groups Journey with Aeron

Man Group - Leveraging Aeron to improve the latency of its FX execution system.

Aeron MeetUp  - SIX Interbank Clearings Journey with Aeron

SIX Interbank Clearing - Powering Swiss Instant Payment with Aeron Cluster.

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